Asheville voters: Brian Freeborn needs one more flex of your democratic muscle. Precedent says that he is on City Council, but the decision is up to the powers that be.
Please contact all of the incumbent and incoming council members and let them know that you support appointing Bryan Freeborn to the open council seat.
Incoming Mayor Terry Bellamy: mailto:terryb@buncombe.main.nc.us
Councilwoman-Elect Robin Cape : mailto:cape@robinforasheville.com
Councilman Jan Davis: mailto:jandavis@main.nc.us
Councilwoman Holly Jones: mailto:hollyj@buncombe.main.nc.us
Councilman Carl Mumpower: mailto:drmumpower@aol.com
Councilman Brownie Newman: bnewman@main.nc.us
Mailing Address for Asheville City Council P.O. Box 7148 Asheville , NC 28802-7148
You can also write letters to the editors of our local newspapers.
Asheville Citizen-Times: mailto:DRussell@CITIZEN-TIMES.comor mailto:letters@citizen-times.com(200 word maximum)
Mountain Xpress: mailto:trose@mountainx.com
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