Friday, September 30, 2005


Contact: Gary Hirsch, 360-701-0678

Enlightened Business Institute to Host Chicago Workshop
Tools for Enlightened Business: How to Prosper In Any Economy

There is a belief prevalent in the west that success—making money is somehow at odds with leading a spiritual life. The money itself is not the problem; a person with money can help more people than one without. The point is realizing how we make the money—understanding where it really comes from and how to keep it coming. In fact the goal of business, of ancient Tibetan wisdom, and of all human endeavor is to enrich ourselves—to achieve outer and inner prosperity while maintaining our physical and emotional well being.

The Enlightened Business Institute teaches its client to do precisely that. EBI provides traditional business services—training, coaching, consulting and mediation based on a unique view of the world with roots in Tibetan Buddhism. EBI’s services are based on the wisdom of The Diamond Cutter, an oral teaching spoken by Buddha Shakyamuni 2,500 years ago and recently popularized for the west by Geshe Michael Roach in his successful book The Diamond Cutter: Strategies from the Buddha on Managing Your Business and Your Life.

Today EBI is helping clients on 5 continents be more successful and lead more meaningful lives.

On November 7, 2005 EBI brings these ideas to Chicago businessmen in a one-day workshop titled: Applying the Diamond Cutter in Your Work and Life: Tools for Enlightened Business. Participants will learn Enlightened Principles for increasing wealth, understanding and solving recurring problems, boosting creativity and creating a harmonious work environment that cuts costs and boosts effectiveness. Along the way they can expect to find answers to some of their deepest questions.

The workshop is idea for business leaders who are tired of inconsistent results and looking for real solutions; entrepreneurs looking to improve their ability to create and innovate; individuals wanting to lead lives with greater prosperity and meaning or anyone wanting to learn how to create a deliberate life and career. The workshop fee is $300. To register visit

The workshop is presented by Gary Hirsch and Elizabeth Prather. Gary Hirsch is President of the Enlightened Business Institute and has held varied senior positions in construction, government and consulting. Elizabeth Prather is a consultant and senior instructor for the Enlightened Business Institute. She has worked in healthcare management and has provided strategic and operations consulting to healthcare and other organizations.

For more information about the Enlightened Business Institute or The Diamond Cutter, visit