Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Why You Should Attend The West Coast Green Conference & Expo:

The City of San Francisco Is Hosting the Largest Residentially Focused Green Building Conference and Expo in the United States. As far as we know, this is the largest residentially focused green building conference and Expo on the Built Environment in the United States.

But I think the best reason to go is not because of how uber-perfect it will be, but because these people are incredibly inspiring and have put real purpose behind this.

To quote the executive producer's personal vision:

"I offer West Coast Green as a way of igniting our vision, bolstering our will, and increasing our capacity to become an irrepressible force toward creating a healthy world. By extending the definition of green building beyond the walls of the house and revealing the vital links between the built environment, our total well-being physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and the realization of our true nature as humans, I hope to cast our home and lifestyle choices in an evolutionary light, stirring our deepest appetite for positive change. I want us to see ourselves as powerful change agents each time we make a healthy, green choice, and walk away from the conference excited to be alive, filled with a sense of possibility, and completely equipped to take action on Monday. As a result, the changes on which the future of life depends are enacted swiftly and joyfully.

In this way, I see West Coast Green catalyzing a full-scale market conversion, infusing all commerce with green values and generating public policy that makes enlivening living spaces a basic birthright available to everyone. I imagine the ripples reaching into areas we could never imagine or trace. This is not grandiosity, but a simple recognition of the interdependence of existence, and the power of striking a clear and direct chord that resonates with all of life.

I am humbled, honored, and thrilled to be able to play a part in this effort by showcasing the work of such exemplary individuals and organizations. It is a privilege to bring their expertise, products, inspiration, and vision to those most eager and able to use them. I offer all of my efforts and the fruits of this tradeshow to the fulfillment of our human potential, for the sake of all life. May we flourish.”

Get the details here: www.westcoastgreen.com.