The Black Star Project North Carolina Kick-off Ceremony & Awards Dinner
Invitation to all North and South Carolina Legislators, Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, Educators, Parents and Business Leaders who wish to be part of the growing movement to eliminate achievement gaps and uplift their communities.
Promethean Technologies and Computer Software Innovations are calling on the brightest stars in our business and education community to join us as we recognize North Carolina's most outstanding educators and kick off Black Star Programs in our state.
At this event, you will learn about schools and programs in North Carolina that have made the critical leaps necessary to transform student culture, breathe life into their surrounding communities and assure that every child has an equal chance at succeeding in life. You will also learn about programs that have narrowed and in some cases, eliminated achievement gaps in schools. These programs are now coming to North Carolina, thanks to a unified effort from our communities, schools, districts, businesses and elected officials.
This event includes dinner, an awards ceremony, a silent auction to benefit the "
Over $10,000 in classroom technology donations will be presented to several North Carolina Schools and one principal will be given the prestigious Promethean Award for Outstanding Contribution in Education to honor his or her school’s dramatic improvement in raising achievement and inspiring higher standards for its students.
Tuesday, April 4 th:
6:00 – 6:45 reception
6:45 – 8:15 pm - dinner & presentations
Sheraton Raleigh Hotel, 421 S. Salisbury Street in downtown Raleigh
($89 reduced hotel room rate available)
Cost: $50 per person / $500 per table