Unique programming challenges Chicago businesses to join forces CHICAGO, IL --- Citing their shared vision of increasing parental and community involvement in education, System Concepts, Inc. (SCI) has teamed up with The Black Star Project for SCI’s first-ever Planned Giving Program. The goal for this partnership is to increase Black Star’s business sponsorship base, enabling a more national impact for its programs, which center on eliminating the racial academic achievement gap through increased family and community involvement in the lives of young people.
To kick-off the Planned Giving Program, SCI will be hosting a community-awareness and fundraising event in Chicago on May 24th. SCI’s intention is to reach out to all of its partners, suppliers and other Chicago businesses that are operating in the youth and education sectors. As part of its Planned Giving Program, SCI will also donate two percent of all pre-tax revenues to the Black Star Project.
“We hope to inspire the kind of support that would help the Million Father March become a national celebration,” said Cynthia Nielsen-Morgan, President of SCI. “This event will give businesses that are active in education the opportunity to offer leadership and resources for a movement that could change the way America thinks about education.”
As part of the 2004 Million Father March, Chicago men, fathers and caregivers were first asked to take their children to school on the opening day of classes to show their support for education. Now Black Star Project is working toward the same outpouring of civic participation for the last day for public schools in 2005, when an even greater turnout is expected.
“There is only one thing that can solve this: parental involvement,” said Phillip Jackson, founder of the Black Star Project, explaining that studies have shown that student’s grades improve when parents care about school. “It’s that simple. You’ve got to have the parents.”For twelve years, SCI has offered innovative education-technology services in over 300 schools and institutions throughout Illinois. On March 2nd, 2005, SCI publicly unveiled the ACTIVboard and their 21st Century Model Classroom, which is receiving national acclaim.
For eight years Black Star Project and Phillip Jackson have worked to improve the quality of life for others. The group has reached many parents and students in Illinois and his campaigns include Parental Involvement Programs that help parents to become the most important and the best teacher for their children.
For more information contact the Black Star Project at or contact System Concepts, Inc. at
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